
Crudely, to have sex with, in Shakespearean terms.
Verily, we hastened to the inner sanctum of her chambers, whereupon I embedded the comely nymph.
by Alcoholichero July 20, 2015
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Eat My Butt;

The act of taking your mouth and munching on my asshole, and what? EMB BITCH.
Stevie: EMB BABY!
Megan: EMB 4 LIFE!
by EMB4LIFE August 30, 2011
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Eat My Balls;

Popular Acronym Originating in the Mid 90s on instant messengers such as AIM and ICQ.
Screw you man, you can just EMB.
by K-Bizzle2003 July 17, 2008
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Hey bucko, EMB!
by EMB_King November 24, 2022
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dude, i totally get an emb every day!
by luuucy September 8, 2007
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Named after the waterfront district in San Francisco, Embarcadero means "wharf" or "landing place"
Its also a skateboard spot its a pice of skate history.
lest go skate at EMB
by Keolo March 24, 2005
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Stands for "eat my ball sack."

Once one of the greatest guilds in all of World of Warcraft.
Dude - "Yo man, let me hold five dollars."

Me- "EMBS, bitch."
by PapaSmurf147 October 23, 2009
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