
Damm El loves demm Eggos
by doityouwont! December 15, 2017
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Eleven's favriote food.
Damn El lives her Eggos
by doityouwont! December 15, 2017
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The most amazing woman I've ever met! The girl of my dreams. The girl of my future...
by JDB September 13, 2003
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For any retard idiots who think this word actually mean eggs in Spanish
Eggo yo mama
by Makkkkkkoo February 16, 2017
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I'm gonna make some eggoes, do u want one?

Wil je een eggoe?
by Eggoe-man January 10, 2022
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Kellogg's brand of waffles, very popular among average Americans, especially in college dorms.
Can we have pancakes for breakfast?
No, but there's Eggos!
by Balfdor December 23, 2006
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eleven is obsessed with them
eleven eats eggos
by brickarmstrong September 19, 2020
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