When you repeatedly hit someone offline
i kept dursing him because he was annoying
by OhhhBigDaddy May 19, 2020
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Derived from the prefix "Dickbag: 1. another term for a dickhead, but slightly more offensive 2.A bag of dicks" and suffix "Murse: 1. ! male handbag". Only to be used in the most dire of situations, Durse destroys all credibility and/ or manliness of the accused. To be called a Durse implies superior mastery of all homosexual and douche tendencies.
Mark was being a huge Durse for cancelling that social the other day!
by Housing-Administration February 11, 2009
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A males penis, or a males private parts.
Every man would love to have a big durse.
by Brent Tindell March 11, 2008
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a purse shaped like a dog or a dog carried like a purse
dude Erin i love your sweet durse!
by cameron mcmasters April 22, 2008
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A painting and decorating term, or a useful way of claiming a win in Scrabble by getting rid of all 7 letters.
Gilby, an avid DIY enthusiast, loves to do a spot of dursing of a Saturday morning.
by bigbro July 29, 2004
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A horrible name to call people that really isnt anything at all. Used in these ways: (replaces words like bastard)

Also, could be something like a wagon full of crap.
You durse wagon!


Tyson is more a durse wagon than the durse wagon itself.
by Angela May 20, 2004
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a person with a gynormus ass. typically the size of a small automobile.
damn, look at that durse wagon
by jon May 19, 2004
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