Marked by or showing distinctive characteristics of a Dote.
That advance-lunge riposte reeked of Doteness.
by Don Saltena April 6, 2006
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When someone pays a lot of attention to their boyfriend/girlfriend, cares for them, is kinda clingy towards them, and just in general loves them a lot.
Tim is definitely doting on Katelynn.
by Not-so-tiny-tim July 14, 2010
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To love someone excessively,especially your children.
The whole family would constantly dote on the new baby.
by SomeoneNew August 22, 2012
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To be overly affectionate for, to love excessively.
"Sing, siren, for thyself, snd I shall dote." Billy Shakespeare
by I'm Nolan June 29, 2005
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A poison, can be countered with an antidote.
A dote is not pleasant, if swallowed, induce vomiting.
by Bender Bending Rodriguez September 12, 2005
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Adjective used in Glasgow/ Central Scotland area. Basically means clueless/stupid.

With local dialect, sounds like "doe-ti(t)"
"Cant get any sense out of him, doted idiot"
by my name doesnt matter! October 27, 2007
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A smoother flowing word for dope of all kinds. A bong rip, a joint, a chute, and even a roach are all considered dotes. Generally used incognito by scavengers looking for a high.
Yo, where's the dotes?
by TrueCaruso May 17, 2011
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