Donald Trump

1. The worst President of the USA
2. A dictator.
3. He lies, he cheats, and he is nothing but a selfish crybaby.
4. If he loses 2020, he will probably go to jail
5. He is responsible for 145,000 COVID deaths.
Person 1: Why is Donald Trump still president?
Person 2: He cheated.
Person 1: Oh that makes sense.
by TROLLKING9001 July 25, 2020
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Donald Trump

A fat bastard with shit ass hair who is racist.

Simple summary.
Donald Trump- wall?
Everyone- Racist BITCH
by BitchI’magenius November 26, 2018
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Donald Trump

The biggest fucking disgrace America has ever had to deal with
Life would be better if Donald Trump wasn't president
by Dubiks January 31, 2019
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Donald Trump

Guy 2: no
by Gazingle December 2, 2017
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Donald Trump

A sorry excuse for a.... a..... Human??? I don't know if he is one, but oh well.
"Ugh you're such a Donald Trump"
by hop in my van kids March 16, 2019
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Donald Trump

An idiot who ran for president as a joke and won. He also wants to build a big huge strong wall on the Mexican-Canadian border since the USA sank into the ocean.
I love Donald Trump - All KKK members.
by Kaki Sudom July 11, 2018
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Donald Trump

A term used as a substitute to taking a huge shit
guy: I'll be right back. I need to drop a huge Donald Trump
by underratedboi May 17, 2018
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