
saying one is good at something.
i dombed it up in basketball

jack dombs at baseball

we dombed them up last night
by michel heeter January 28, 2009
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You're domb
by Gruu December 3, 2003
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Dream Of Me Babe
Dave: DOMB! I love youuuu! <3 :)
Ash: DOM2B <3 :)
by MrLoony June 30, 2010
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domb fock

what people with european accents call stupid people
"he's sucha bloody domb fock he deserves to have a focking crumpit shoved up his bloody ass"
by chicachicaa123 November 4, 2009
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Domb Ass

When calling another person this set of words you are calling them the Epitome of gay
You are a Domb Ass
by Badnana January 12, 2020
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is oral sex performed upon the penis.
That girl gives good low-dombs
by putterboy August 31, 2008
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domb bigety

1. The cousin to bomb digety, or bomb digety dawg.
2. A phrase showing impressed emotions or feelings:
"Domb bigety jacket, man. Where'd ya find it?"
by Maralyse Hackinetti October 26, 2006
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