yo ass wipe try doke u might loose some weight
by Tommy D October 12, 2003
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awesome, stellar, amazing, cool

typically used to described sexy blonde girls named meredith and sarah.
Suzie America: That was a great movie!
Joe Shmoe: Yes, it was quite DOKE.


Paris Hilton: thats doke


Homer Simpson: DOKE!


Casey I: Guys, guess what, Doke, blah blah blah DOKE
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a word with strange congiguations
I am doke
you are doke
he/she is dokes
we are dokey
they aredoke

use it when you have no word to describe your feelings
how are you people feeling?
we're dockey
or you look down what's wrong?
I'm doke
by Nicole March 7, 2004
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slang for smoking cigarettes or weed
que pedos homie i got a pack of dokes, u wanna doke today?
by josh nd jorge May 27, 2007
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Short for Diet Coke, which itself is traditionally short for Diet Coca-Cola.

Doke is known as Coca-Cola Light in many a European country.
Johnny Boi: Kenneth, ah pure heard that doke gets ya mare drunk fur less booze!

Kenneth: Aw is that so Johnny Boi? Michty me!

Kenneth: (To bar tender) awright pal, geeze a double vodka, a Glen's eh, and doke would ya? Cheers.

Maria (mainland European): Coca-Cola Light is not a mixer! You are a weak fool.

Johnny Boi: (To Maria) Oi shut it you! Aw but yer right!

Johnny Boi: (To Kenneth) Put the Doke down, we need tae get on the Irn-Bru choo-choo!

Kenneth: (To Johnny Boi) *spits oot beverage* Michty me! Probs just the cancer inducing artificial sweeteners that make the magic happen.

Kenneth: (To bar tender ) Mate, boss man, could a please have a triple Glen's and Irn-Bru Sugar Free? I'll be needing it tae get me through! Canny believe ah wis supporting the Coca-Cola Company. Irn-Bru for lyf.
by ChubbyTeletubby December 30, 2016
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A worn-out penis. A penis that somewhat resembles a cat scratching post.
"Check out that doke! That things got more wear and tear than your mother's easy jeans."
by PussySniper January 24, 2010
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