A group of small islets in the East Sea. Although claimed by both Korea and Japan the Dokdo islets are currently administered by the Republic of Korea. By the way, I am neither Korean nor Japanese and am thus free from bias.
by CrosswordPuzzle October 28, 2011
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An island of Korean territory. Japanese government keep claiming that it belongs to Japan(They call Dokdo Takeshima). But only Koreans have been living and guarding there so far. It's so visible that Japan only claims that Dokdo belongs to them just because they have found out a lot of natural resources buried under the island. Even Japanese maps which are centuries of years old indicate that Dokdo belongs to Korea.
Dokdo is definitely Korea's territory. There's no other way round.
by smjo July 28, 2008
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Dokdo is a small island located in the East Sea of Republic of Korea.
Some crazy Japanese call this island a Takeshima with the hope of stealing Dokdo from Korea.
Japanese people who have common sense are wondering why some Japanese goverment officials keep on trying to steal Dokdo from Korea.
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(n), (u)
a incurable brain disease that affects dogs, and that you can catch if you eat an infected dog
Roh has been suffering from Dokdo that has entered his brain and turned him into a hopeless imbecile.
by Shineya Chong November 7, 2005
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A set of small islands east of Ullungdo, Republic of Korea. Historically a territory of Korea, but since 1905, after the colonization of Korea by Japan, the Japanese try to take the island as a part of their territory.
Dokdo is a part of Korea.
by Chanwoo Chung July 26, 2005
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Some shitty rock that Koreans go ape shit about. No-one else could give a toss, though.
Korean: Dokdo Islet in East Sea of Korea belong to Korea! AZN PRIDE *cuts off his finger*

Non-Korean: Yeah, whatever man.
by dudeinwales October 23, 2006
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An argument where a calm guy makes someone go berserk when he asks for his stuff back.
"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, can I have my mp3-player back?"
"Jesus, you don't have to go all Dokdo on me."
by Matiasu December 10, 2009
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