by 69erlolz May 31, 2016
Ben: These tacos are absolutely delightful.
Ross: Would you like to go on a date with me for more tacos?
Ben: That would be delightful.
Ross: Would you like to go on a date with me for more tacos?
Ben: That would be delightful.
by Mikaels January 22, 2021
Usually with dark hair and gorgeous eyes. She is a loyal friend and will always be there for you no matter what. Can be insecure, but others see that she is beautiful inside and out. Empathy is like her with sense, and she has such a huge heart. Delight has a very bubbly personality and you can often spot her singing or dancing around. She has a very vivid imagination and likes to dream big, sometimes her mind wanders and she becomes absorbed in her own little fantasy world. She has a good sense of humour and can make you smile even on your worst days. Make sure you are there for her the way she is for you, and even if she tries to push you away, don't you ever give up on her. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like her in their life.
by Bildon December 3, 2019
someone (or something) whose action(s) or very presence produces or results in feelings of pleasure, contentment, satiation, gratitude, or happiness.
by Jessica D. March 20, 2007
by Wolfenstineus March 17, 2004
A funny, generous girl. Loving and caring to others. Usually has dark brown hair /eyes and a big beautiful smile to match her personality . Big boobs and butt included.
by dep November 29, 2014, this be's a delight delightful that mexican was's delightful to wank yourself
4.such a tasty wang he had, mmmm, how delightful delightful that mexican was's delightful to wank yourself
4.such a tasty wang he had, mmmm, how delightful
by yea yea yea February 3, 2003