To have a crime committed against you. You've been crimed.
Hym "I'm starting to think that someone close to you has been crimed. Maybe a daughter. She's been crimed. And that's why you're so militant about getting young men to 'bare their responsibility to behave ethically.' Because if they were doing that then maybe the old kiddo would have gotten crimed.
Hym "I'm starting to think that someone close to you has been crimed. Maybe a daughter. She's been crimed. And that's why you're so militant about getting young men to 'bare their responsibility to behave ethically.' Because if they were doing that then maybe the old kiddo would have gotten crimed.
Now's my chance! I'm on top of the world and nothing that isn't beautiful deserves to exist! Ha! Delicious! You're the beauty guy! You're the narcissistic Kira archetype and he saw it before I did! That man is seriously a genius. I wish I could thank him because he has given me more than I could have even dreamed of receiving. And you know what? I'll say the same about Todd. Even if he meant it as a slight I'll overlook it because Limitless the series was great and he is great. But I digress, you're the beauty guy. Which makes the kid that shoots you with the red arrow your son... aaaaand... The ugly guy who got a bunch of work done is your daughter (🤣 Which I'm sorry about.) Hilarious. But that's what I think this is about. Somebody got crimed. You're transferring that onto me because I'm a 'free-rider' who is both 'brilliant and terrible.' You were even talking to young men and, therefore, your ideology doesn't stem from a genuine desire to help young men. It stems from fear and contempt of unscrupulous men who border on psychopathic. And that's why you cry. It's not that you feel bad for young men. It's that you feel bad for yourself. Because narcissists can cry. Crying a lot isn't a sign of agreeableness. Hilarious!"
by Hym Iam August 5, 2022
It is a new dance style created by takeSomeCrime, best known for his Youtube channel. It is the culmination of many other dance styles. Arm rotation, feet movement, and fighting moves are characteristic. It is also close to milky way and tecktonik. It is a gentleman's dance best carried out while dressed up and with a suave attitude.
Friend 1 - Hey I saw you dancing at the club the other night. What dance style were you were doing?
Friend 2 - I was criming. The ladies love it.
Friend 2 - I was criming. The ladies love it.
by david axel June 21, 2011
A breaking of the law in any way, shape, or form.
Can be determined by the following formula:
(Education + Wealth + Number of Jobs + Number of Businesses) / Sucess
Is as proportional to race as George W. Bush is to intelligence.
Can be determined by the following formula:
(Education + Wealth + Number of Jobs + Number of Businesses) / Sucess
Is as proportional to race as George W. Bush is to intelligence.
Bernie Mac on Crime in the movie "Head of State":
"There's no such thing as white-collar crime. And there's definitely no such thing as black-on-black crime. Crime is crime. Let me explain something to you. I don't care if you have a white collar or a tank top. If you rob me, I'm gonna whup your ass."
"There's no such thing as white-collar crime. And there's definitely no such thing as black-on-black crime. Crime is crime. Let me explain something to you. I don't care if you have a white collar or a tank top. If you rob me, I'm gonna whup your ass."
by BlackTokyo May 5, 2009
by dr funnybonez September 12, 2008
(n) word meaning the act of breaking the rules or ordinances imposed by the senior citizens in power. sorry bout the pronounciation. cry-me? what? that's two syllables.
by mephisto. June 4, 2003
An act of violation to another person even if it may be physically,verbally or mentally such as stealing in a physical form.Crime and gangs should never be the way in life,You gonna get yourself killed pretty boy/girl especially when drugs such as cocaine or weed is involved and ammunition otherwise known as guns and excessive alcohol consumption or smoking.Mostly popular today in many countries but it’s not the way.Spread love and positivity my friends.
by lejukoiya6439 July 2, 2019
by Antimike April 9, 2003