
Awe mate king of England? Must be corin
by Smeglet_FuckCal April 29, 2019
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The bestest best friend you could ever have. She's absolutely amazing in so many ways. And whats great about it is she doesnt even try. it just comes naturally. Extremely fun to be around and makes you feel great about yourself. No one deserves such a great friend like corin. If you catch a friend like corin, your the luckiest person in the world.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world! i met a corin today!"
by lacyface August 13, 2008
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Corin is life
by EaEaSportass November 16, 2020
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Corin is the most amazing girl out there.She is kind,Beautiful,loving,careful,she will be anybodys friend just don’t make her mad.She will be an amazing girlfriend if you treat her like you love her and no messing around.She’s the absolute best girl in the whole entire world❤️🥰💜
Hey Corin,I love you
I met this girl Corin and she’s my bestfriend
by XD_NERD April 12, 2019
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The coolest mongo pushing skater with a good style sheeesh
by Lilcxrny November 24, 2020
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Did you know that Corin invented tap dancing?

Yeah man he’s also a total virgin!
by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 17, 2019
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Corine is an amazing person who puts other people emotions before herself's , she loves life, she is a ray of sunshine, she is always laughing but deep inside constantly battles sad emotions, the loves she puts out she never receives it back . stubborn, she is too forgiving, she is loyal to those that aren't loyal to her, she has a clean soul and is queen all hail Queen C
Corine is an amazing person who puts other people emotions before herself's , she loves life, she is a ray of sunshine, she is always laughing but deep inside constantly battles sad emotions, the loves she puts out she never receives it back . stubborn, she is too forgiving, she is loyal to those that aren't loyal to her, she has a clean soul and is queen all hail Queen C
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