She is really beautiful and is loyal you can trust her with anything she is kind and is and amazing dancer you would be so lucky to have her as your girlfriend
by Corine June 21, 2017
popular pets name!
also a known disease in cardio.
corin is suited as a blonde straight hair, green eyed beauty.
she thrives on attention, bossy, and well liked. just a bit of a tease.
Corin is a very rare male first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the boy's name Corin.
Corin is a very rare female first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
The meaning of the name Corin is Spear
The origin of the name Corin is English
Pronunciation: kor-in
Gender: Boy Name
Origin: French
Name Meaning: From the Latin Quirinus, which is derived from the Oscan quiris (a spear). The name was borne in Roman mythology by an early god of war who was later identified with Romulus. As a given name, Corin was originally bestowed in honor of St. Quirinus, a 4th-century bishop of Siscia who was martyred under Max-imus
Variants: Cyran
also a known disease in cardio.
corin is suited as a blonde straight hair, green eyed beauty.
she thrives on attention, bossy, and well liked. just a bit of a tease.
Corin is a very rare male first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the boy's name Corin.
Corin is a very rare female first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
The meaning of the name Corin is Spear
The origin of the name Corin is English
Pronunciation: kor-in
Gender: Boy Name
Origin: French
Name Meaning: From the Latin Quirinus, which is derived from the Oscan quiris (a spear). The name was borne in Roman mythology by an early god of war who was later identified with Romulus. As a given name, Corin was originally bestowed in honor of St. Quirinus, a 4th-century bishop of Siscia who was martyred under Max-imus
Variants: Cyran
Corin As You Like It
CORIN A Maiden
CORIN Great Name, Classic, Strong, Refined
Corin's Handguards
Binds when picked up
Dog Names - Choose a name for your new bundle of joy
Looking for the perfect name for that new puppy?
CORIN A Maiden
CORIN Great Name, Classic, Strong, Refined
Corin's Handguards
Binds when picked up
Dog Names - Choose a name for your new bundle of joy
Looking for the perfect name for that new puppy?
by cricketbaby April 15, 2008
This is one of the code-names for crack cocaine, as coined by Tupac Shakur in the song "Hail Mary". It is recognised by the FBI and assorted drug agencies, and is more commonly used in the UK to refer to raw opium.
by Flaming Mushroom April 2, 2009
A girl that is super cool but unfortunately is a believer in the zodiac signs. Beware, Corine's hate their hair being touched as well.
by BarryMaPole May 24, 2017
Can also be spelled Corryne, Corinne, Korryn or several other variations.
Is a normally short girl, a social butterfly and is very smart. She is talented when it comes to performance arts, but her ego can get the better of her. she can get herself into messy situations, but she is strong and independent and doesn’t need anyone to help her out of them.
She tries to be a good friend at all times, but if you run her the wrong way, her true colors will be revealed.
You can definitely trust a Corine if you are brave, but she sometimes has trouble keeping secrets to herself.
Is a normally short girl, a social butterfly and is very smart. She is talented when it comes to performance arts, but her ego can get the better of her. she can get herself into messy situations, but she is strong and independent and doesn’t need anyone to help her out of them.
She tries to be a good friend at all times, but if you run her the wrong way, her true colors will be revealed.
You can definitely trust a Corine if you are brave, but she sometimes has trouble keeping secrets to herself.
Hey, I thought you and corine were friends?
We are, it’s just a rough patch right now, she had some troubles keeping her mouth shut.
We are, it’s just a rough patch right now, she had some troubles keeping her mouth shut.
by WestsideTruth November 8, 2018
While a Corine's name is a knockoff (of Corinne and Corrine) she is in every way the original. A real friend. A real bad bitch, and quick to defend a true friend. She's at the top of the food chain, so make sure you DON'T mess with her. She'll ruin your life. Absolutely stunning, a Corine is a bombshell and many find themselves clinging on to her even when she has moved on.
But here's a warning, a Corine can devour your soul then lick her lips, without flinching. A lot of the times they are not okay, and while they don't consider many their friend, an easy way to their heart is to comfort them and be a good listener. And of course she is absolutely rich af. Crazy but fearless above all, don't fuck with her unless you're ready to be in it for life.
But here's a warning, a Corine can devour your soul then lick her lips, without flinching. A lot of the times they are not okay, and while they don't consider many their friend, an easy way to their heart is to comfort them and be a good listener. And of course she is absolutely rich af. Crazy but fearless above all, don't fuck with her unless you're ready to be in it for life.
Guy: Bro check that girl out do you think you could hook me up?
Friend: Haha yea her name's Corine but don't even think about it, she's elitist asf. No offense but she would NOT get with you.
Friend: Haha yea her name's Corine but don't even think about it, she's elitist asf. No offense but she would NOT get with you.
by weedismokeweeddefinitely January 20, 2021
by Hello Kitty Drip August 20, 2020