4 definitions by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo

piss party

a party where you piss!
“dude if you don’t stop talking I’ll literally pee on you
“bro if you pee on me I’ll pee on you”
“piss party?”
by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 18, 2019
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the SEXIEST man alive. he has washboard abs and only dates girls 5’2 and under.
“Finn is SO SEXY
I know right?? I want to have his children
by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 18, 2019
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Mr. Man

the loveliest man in the world. an absolute angel and blessing. it is rumored that when he sings, his hair begins to glow and gain magical healing properties. he is the only human that has ever summoned the mysterious Babby, hence why he is sometimes referred to as “Mystery Man”.
person 1: “I want to marry Mr. Man.”
person 2: “Shut up Caroline I called dibs
person 3: “Shut up Lainey I called dibs in 4th grade, he’s MINE!”
by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 20, 2019
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Did you know that Corin invented tap dancing?

Yeah man he’s also a total virgin!
by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 17, 2019
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