A drink for people who do not like the taste of regular Coca-Cola.

"I'd like a Diet Coke. Regular Coke is too sweet."
by SuzyIL February 22, 2009
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the most addicting/ best drink in the world.
i can go through a whole 12 pack of diet coke a day! its so good!
by Purple Goat Eating A Mint December 24, 2008
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Crushed up ritalin or focalin. Typically lasts longer than cocaine, resembles cocaine, doesn’t taste as good (stings when you snort it), and feels about the same.
I’m about to snort some Diet Coke.
by wert555 February 18, 2021
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a) Diet CocaCola
b) Artificial sweetener snorted by dumb diet-crazed blondes.
The coke in the silver can.

What that dumb chick in math has on her nose.
by Macadaciouse May 6, 2004
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What people drink to be "healthy", it is in fact far more unhealthy than regular Coke due to the aspartame contained within which can eat holes in the brain.
"Got any Diet Coke?"
"No, but I've got some drano you can chug."
by Angry Liberal June 1, 2005
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A girl who is under the legal drinking age, and so must order a soda instead of alcoholic beverage when dining.
Bartender: "What will it be?"
Man: "I'll have a beer, and she will have a diet coke."
by jshwa5 April 16, 2008
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