"Did you catch the lesbian sumo match last night on ESPN 8 - 'The Ocho'?"

"Yea, there was some serious chuff-diving going on."
by JO$E Ortiz May 8, 2007
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When one is very, very pleased with a particular event or situation.
Neil has a chuff on!
by Lucy T Dog February 23, 2017
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anglo-slang for snatch, vagina.
"How's the weather in Phoenix?"

"Dryer than a nun's chuff."
by ixnay5 October 6, 2005
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The name for a women's genitalia or more commonly pubic area. Used on smack the pony
Nice chuff!!!
by Billy bob bob September 19, 2003
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Its is a Trinidadian term for being fat/overweight.
Gosh Carol, you are looking a bit chuff chuff of late !
by born Trini February 25, 2010
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An onamatopeia for the noise an old steam engine makes.

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)
"Chuff chuff chuff went the little train as it toiled up the hill"
by Laurie August 23, 2004
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To fart out of your penis. AKA A penile queef.
I totally chuffed after banging this Italian girl in the ass.
by Chuffie McKegel Hymen. July 7, 2013
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