All My Chemical Romance fans are the same.

They walk around wearing the same tacky My Chemical Romance shirts based around some dark and mysterious picture with "My Chemical Romance" scribbled along the top in red writing made to look like blood because My Chemical Romance are so violent and harsh.

The majority of them wander around various internet websites just like this one being elitest snobs accusing everybody else that listens to them of being posers and 11 year old emo's who totally didn't like them way before they did but if you meet them in reality they are normally the dumb ones that walk around with a pound of eyeliner on and go to any gig because music is like their life when really all they listen to are the same poser bands the "poser fans" listen to.
A Conversation between My Chemical Romance fans.

McrFan1: Omg look at that girl she is listening to new My Chemical Romance what a poser we totally knew them before her.
McrFan2: Omg I know right, lets go whine about her on MCRmy I'm sure all the other real fans there will agree with us.
by mcransarereallystupid December 28, 2007
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A band that thinks they're a "rock" band, but is really as pop as Katy Perry or One Direction. Have no fans above the age of 14, and have lyrics and music that scream "desperate for fame." Plus, those guys are over thirty. Aren't they a little old to be playing music like that?
12 year old girl: omg i love my chemical romance!
man with a successful career, lovable wife, and high intellect: go listen to ok computer, and see what you're missing.
by Siamese Cream March 17, 2013
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Stalking 5 incredibly hot guys in an amazing band. These men are: Frank Iero , Gerard Way , Ray Toro , Bob Bryar , and Mikey Way .
They are often mistaken for an emo band, which they are not. My Chemical Romance is an amazing band that almost everyone has heard of, and most people have at least heard Dead!, Welcome To The Black Parade, Teenagers, or Famous Last Words (four of their most popular songs from their record that was released in 2006 called The Black Parade).
These men all are most likley fantastic in bed, and probably do great at french kissing.
Ray is sex in a bed with an afro.
Bob is bearded sex in a bed.
Mikey is intelligent sex in a bed.
Frank is just plain sex in a bed.
Gerard is have-an-orgasm-on-stage-during-a-song sex in a bed.
What are you doing?

Stalking My Chemical Romance, duh!
by vizka January 23, 2009
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Kids who have been brain-washed to listen to this band. They think they are the luckyist fans in the world. See what MCR's music has done to them? Their girl fans think Gerard is hot. Since when does a dead body look good?

Me-Great, like this world needs more Emo kids on it.
by SLJ March 30, 2006
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The type of question you get on a stupid test, and you have no idea what the fuck it means
how the fuck does the question "What human qualities did John Dalton bring to his study of the chemical elements?" make any fucking sense?
by Jewsy J October 9, 2020
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when you’re so high that you feel like you can never get higher than you are right now.
dude, i’m, like chemically high.
by stonecoldpussy420 January 28, 2018
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