The practice of indulging in a diet strictly consiting of meat and animal based products. Carnivores typically abstain from eating products derived from the exploitation of fruits and vegatables.
Billy: I recently began practicing carnivorism after viewing a graphic documentary on the exploitation of plants such as fruits and vegetables.
Joe: That's inspiring man, you're a real hero.
Joe: That's inspiring man, you're a real hero.
by CouchPotato2019 September 2, 2018
by quagblar March 5, 2007
To attempt to make a vegetarian out of your cat or dog would be animal cruelty, since both animals are obligatory carnivores.
by AYB May 17, 2003
The carnivore sunk his teeth deep into the juicy steak. In doing this, he saved another patch of grass.
by Dutchinater November 30, 2008
by Cassidt Thirtin November 20, 2006
Will you carnivorate at thanksgiving.?
The Stripped Sea Bass are carnivorating all of the little fish.
The Stripped Sea Bass are carnivorating all of the little fish.
by JJ Junk Pants November 23, 2010
1. An internet monitoring device that operates by catching bits and pieces of data sent from one internet user to another and then reassembling them for the FBI to examine.
The FBI's controversial Carnivore spy system, which has been renamed DCS1000, is a specially configured Windows computer designed to sit on an Internet provider's network and monitor electronic communications. To retrieve the stored data, an agent stops by to pick up a removable hard drive with the information that the Carnivore system was configured to record.
2. An obsessive individual that seeks total control in a relationship by networking your social circle and monitoring your communications.
3. An animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals. The social behavior of a carnivore indicates the potential for information transfer and social learning among the species.
The FBI's controversial Carnivore spy system, which has been renamed DCS1000, is a specially configured Windows computer designed to sit on an Internet provider's network and monitor electronic communications. To retrieve the stored data, an agent stops by to pick up a removable hard drive with the information that the Carnivore system was configured to record.
2. An obsessive individual that seeks total control in a relationship by networking your social circle and monitoring your communications.
3. An animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals. The social behavior of a carnivore indicates the potential for information transfer and social learning among the species.
1. Santa Claus does't need the Carnivore spy system, he already knows who's been naughty or nice!
2. She broke up with the carnivore because she was a free spirit that valued her privacy far more than she valued a relationship with him.
3. The lioness made a meal of the carnivore that stumbled on her pride.
2. She broke up with the carnivore because she was a free spirit that valued her privacy far more than she valued a relationship with him.
3. The lioness made a meal of the carnivore that stumbled on her pride.
by Summer 2 November 30, 2006