4 definitions by Cassidt Thirtin


meat-eater,flesh eating animal
Lions and tigers are carnivorous.
A hawk and falcon are aloso carnivorous animals.
by Cassidt Thirtin November 20, 2006
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myth water creatures that has a human upper-body and a big fish tail.
ex#1 the mermaids swam with grace in the blue salty water.
ex#2 mermaids are very graceful.
by Cassidt Thirtin November 28, 2006
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a soul,a spirit,but mostly Danny Phantom!!!!!!!!!!
i saw ghosts the other day.
danny phantom is just so cute.
by Cassidt Thirtin November 28, 2006
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someone that you can't resist kissing or having sexwith. someone that makes you stare and drool and wish you guys are on the bed doing it.
that dude was soo hot that i want to fuck him up:)
man...that girl is so hot, im gonna hump her rightnnow!
im going to stick my dick in that hot girl's pussy.
that hot guy is going to let me suck his cock now!
by Cassidt Thirtin December 19, 2006
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