Cum in Eye
I was ready to pop and I asked that hooker if I could CIE. She said ok and I shot a load at her face and hit her eye. It cost me an extra $50 but it was well worth it.
by ndacage December 16, 2016
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Escort termonology
Call in Experience / Escort
I am feeling horny but don't want to go out, anyone up for a CIE?
by Kazzim November 8, 2007
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Cock in ear. A sexual act made popular by a song of the same name by the band Wrestle With Jimmy.
"Main and Franklin is the place to be, to get a CIE in Wilkes-Barre."
by mayor maccheese February 22, 2005
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Coney Island Express/Cash in Express

-A Coney Island founded crew that does all around city damage.
Yo you down with CIE?
by unknown unavailable July 20, 2005
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A method of payment by which an employer pays their employees by inserting cash currency in an envelope, and transmits it to the employee by handing it to them. As opposed-to: ACH, Check.
1. I got my CIE payment today from the boss.
by michael January 26, 2005
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A nice person who can sometimes be annoying and sometimes be funny at the same time.
Cie-Jay you are funny but STFU.
by LEROY JENKINS1 September 17, 2018
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kocham cie

Its "I love you" in polish <3
Girl: "Kocham cie"
Boy: "Ja kocham cie tesz"
by taurusbitchh October 12, 2020
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