
Ethnic city-ette in Luzerne County, PA. Better than Scranton. Only prob is, nobody seems to know how to pronounce the name of this damn place.
Wilkes-Bar? Wilkes-Baar? Wilks-Barry?
Who knows?
We're passing Wilkes-Barre on your right.
by steviedee May 26, 2004
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Up-and-coming city in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The de facto hub of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton/Hazleton metro area which is home to over 600,000 people. Like most Pennsylvania cities, Wilkes-Barre went through hard times in the latter part of the 20th century, but for the past decade or so, the city has been on a serious rebound along with its more notorious, but less happening neighbor, Scranton. With all of the renovations, the scenery in Wilkes-Barre has become very charming, including Northampton and Main, the beautiful riverside areas near Wilkes University, the new PA Dept. of Labor building, new antique downtown lighting system, and the loads of mid to upscale shopping establishments near the arena. Wilkes-Barre is the original home to HBO and Planters Peanuts and there are over 8 colleges/universities both in and around the city. Perhaps not the best place on the planet but a very decent affordable pleasant city located conveniently right outside of the Eastern Seaboard.
During presidential elections, Wilkes-Barre, a swing area in a swing state, becomes a noisy circus of national personalities, including George W. Bush, Al Gore, John Kerry, Rudy Giuliani, Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, and Hillary Clinton.
by BrianPK August 14, 2006
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Wilkes-Barre not as redneck as Pottstown and Wellsboro... Where RAPE AND MURDER is not news to a citizen.
Wilkes-Barre not as redneck as Pottstown and Wellsboro
by Bearded Abe February 26, 2005
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One of the better areas in northeastern Pa, along with the Poconos and Kingston. Certainly better than Hazleton, Nanticoke, Scranton or Glen Lyon. Dosent consist of low class scum like those areas. Located near Kingston Pennsylvania in the valley surrounded by mountains. Has arenas, good restraunts, decent, good scenery.
by mark February 25, 2005
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A dump town named after two memebers of the french parliament, John Wilkes and Isaac Barre. And guess what, they never set foot in America. What was once a sprwaling metropolis of 25,000 people, is now a town being overrun by old people, funeral homes, and ghetto drug dealers. Every-where you look, there's a funeral home in some fancy old house and down the road, you'll see another drug deal or shooting taking place. Another thing Wilkes-Barre prides itself in, having the most amount of potholes and closed bridges, and the most run-down and dumpy downtown ever. Main attractions? The yet to be built movie theater..stanton lanes and never forget..Skateaway!!

Come join the fun!!
Well..how bout a garbage dump?
by Chesil May 9, 2005
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City which wishes it was Scranton. Still bragging (can't imagine why) about a stupid flood that happened 32 years ago. Likely to see people dressed like the year is 1983.
At least I'm not from Wilkes-Barre
by Scrantonio June 29, 2004
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A shit hole city where we can fall asleep to the sound of sirens and gun shots.We are home to crack head mollys’.We also have the worst schools in pa with drug sniffing dogs and vape detectors everywhere. There is a lot more to say about this city but I don’t wanna put too much time into this 😂😂✌️
by Anonymous 2494474 March 20, 2019
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