When you sneezed so hard that ur lungs come out of your nose
"Dude I just Brujed so hard right now." "Bruh how are you alive then."
by April 5, 2019
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Like bruh, but you're retarded, so it's bruj instead.
"Damn this fortnite skin is pretty hot"

"damn bruj..."
by big bruj April 8, 2020
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I just made that typo when I wrote the correct word in the definition. Bruj ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
by Licensed_Nerd December 13, 2020
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"Where you're form?"
"Bruj, I'm from le france"
by HiLord Reilo December 23, 2021
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A person who meant to type the word "Bruh" but accidentally typed Bruj instead. But It could also be a good name.
Hey guy, why did you text me Bruj? Oh yeah sorry about that man I meant to type bruh. Bro.. my sister died.
by April 5, 2021
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what you write when you misspell "bruh"
Person A: bruj
Person B: what
Person A: *bruh
Person A: lmao
by SomePersonOnUrbDic August 29, 2021
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when you see someone say something so cringe that u misspelled "bruh" to "bruj"
Jake: "If you get vaccinated, you will die inside out!!"
John: "Bruj"
by Fnatical December 4, 2021
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