12 definitions by SomePersonOnUrbDic

what you write when you misspell "bruh"
Person A: bruj
Person B: what
Person A: *bruh
Person A: lmao
by SomePersonOnUrbDic August 29, 2021
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A channel that started off well with its Fall Guys videos, but by AUL 14, it hit rock bottom. But then, they pulled out a mining drill and now they’re calling vocaloid and DDLC anime. Let that sink it for a second.
Person A: yo I saw gametoons’ new upload it’s really cool
Person B: bro they only care about the green by now
Person C: mr cheese is cool
Person D: mr marketable
by SomePersonOnUrbDic July 1, 2021
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what heavy ate
it made him strong
"i eat sandvich! sandvich make me s t r o n g !"
by SomePersonOnUrbDic August 15, 2021
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The type of character that is perfect in every way possible. Here's an example of a Mary Sue:
- Young, probably immortal
- Everyone loves them
- Always does everything without flaw
- Probably has magical powers
- Might be a hybrid (often crap like "half demon, half wolf, half princess, half human" because princesses are totally not human /s, and the character is probably written by an 8 year old that doesn't know about the term quarters)
- Has like 6 people after her
- Most likely female
- Only flaws are "clumsy" or something similar
Boom. There you have your very own Mary Sue/Gary Stue.
Mary Sue: omg i'm so clumsy and perfect
Random Caracter A: **disagrees with mary sue**
Mary Sue: **kills random character a cutely**
by SomePersonOnUrbDic September 19, 2021
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A funny little bean game where you battle against 58 (Yes, 58, It never fills up fully) other jelly bean creatures that are all 6 freakin feet tall, including yours in a round based tournament filled with minigames such as See-Saw (A.K.A. Troll Central), Roll-Out (A.K.A. Troll Central 2), Hit Parade (A.K.A. Get thrown around by giant balls) and Fruit Chute (A.K.A. no, not the freaKIN WATERMELONS AAAAAA-), until you'd get to the finale, where there's a 90% chance you lose and rage. Sadly, no one really mentions the game anymore.
Person A: Hey, remember Fall Guys?
Person B: Damn
Person C: dead game
Person A: bruj
by SomePersonOnUrbDic August 29, 2021
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