A phrase used before answering a question, can just be used as a cool way to say what's good. Super cool meme
Boy: Anna, will you go out with me?
Girl: beep beep! I need to think about it I guess
by MemeQueen97 September 5, 2015
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The onomatopoeia representation of someone's gaydar going off.

Note: This term is frequently used as a flame on message boards however; it's usage as an oral taunt is gaining popularity.
Guy 1: Hey, check out that dude's shirt. He must work out.
Guy 2: (stares blankly at friend) *Beep Beep Beep*
Guy 1: Fuck off.
by Qual April 26, 2006
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A statement used to let someone know that they've said something that is undesirable to your hearing.

"Beep beep beep" is the sound that a cell phone makes when someone hangs up on you.
Steve: I like to walk around the house naked all the time.

Me: Beep beep beep.
by Steve Vanlindsdale June 18, 2009
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1.Lots and lots of curse and bad words
2.On t.v. shows when they say a curse or bad word it has a beep sound and when he/she say it 3 times in a row that's beep beep beep
by Big freak michael March 10, 2007
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Term said when a mates girlfriend who is often from the ginger origin is in the proximity of 10 metres.
Lewis doesn’t like it when his friends beep beep beep his girlfriend.
by Adamg234 October 7, 2021
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