(SITUATION: Friends playing a game of FIFA)
Mervin (screaming): The through-ball is beckoning!
Walter: Don't be silly...your Rangers!
Mervin (screaming): The through-ball is beckoning!
Walter: Don't be silly...your Rangers!
by anon9224 June 19, 2013
Check out the way Sarah Palin is beckoning in her speeches. I beckon she'll be president soon!
I beckon most NFL fans are overweight cheese doodlers.
I beckon most NFL fans are overweight cheese doodlers.
by gnostic1 April 20, 2011
by realnessofu1937 February 1, 2023
A misinterpretation of the phrase "beck and call" such as "at ones beck and call" meaning to be at willful readiness to fulfill another's orders or commands. It is usually used by people who are attempting to sound more well read than are are in actuality.
"Professor Stackhouse has us at his beckon call."
"No he doesn't you jackass, he has you at his beck and call. Stop pretending to be smart"
"No he doesn't you jackass, he has you at his beck and call. Stop pretending to be smart"
by Oni Ookami Alfador January 24, 2007
The definition of beckoned call,is to be instantly at someone's bidding.Through the years beckon call and beck and call have been become acceptable facsimiles, though not the original phrase
by Actually correct March 18, 2020
" Stacy refused to listen to my finger beckon so i used fist beckoning and that wide set hoe hurried up.