1) The simplest and greatest way of preparing that mighty tuber, the potato. Set the oven to three hundred and fifty degrees and rock on for about fourty five minutes then rock on some more.

2) One of the manliest foods on the planet.
The other day, I ate four Baked Potatoes while watching a John Wayne movie. It was one of the manliest nights of my life.

Steve (on instant messenger): i just ate a baked patotoe ya, it kicked ass, why not define that on urban dictionary, bitch...
by Bythorsbeard January 20, 2005
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The feeling of euphoria that one feels immediately after the consumption of marijuana; getting baked/stoned;
"Dude, i just hit the tits out of that bong and now im super baked potato."

"Dude, you look totally baked potato right now!"

- "Dude... how baked potato are you right now?"

-"Yeah man, im totally tater tots!"
by Keny Majowski & Calbe Dackwall January 12, 2012
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after SB's house burned down she found her daughter in the state of baked potato
by stupidcunt1726 February 11, 2019
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When you sit with your laptop on your lap for a while and it heats up your testicles. You then take the heated testicles and tea bag another person, giving them a baked potato.
aaaaaawwwwwww yeeeeaaahhh girl, Ima give you a baked potato!
by Naughty Baratone August 9, 2010
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A couch potato who is also extremely stoned. (see also baked)
Dude, let's go get something to eat!You've been just staring at the TV all night with that bong in your hand, you baked potato!
by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005
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