Lancashire (where we talk proper): Baby's head. Noun, Steak (and sometimes kidney) pudding, especially when ordering from a chippy, and so called because of it's close resemblance to a baby's head. Most commonly ordered with Peas and gravy.
Correct pronunciation: "Babbiz yed"
Correct pronunciation: "Babbiz yed"
by Leyther lad August 14, 2017
From mountain biking: A roundish rock, about the size and shape of a baby's head. Avoid running over it, or risk crashing.
by Brother Jethro August 30, 2004
by salemkiller March 4, 2008
by michael foolsley December 10, 2009
by TC Raymond July 21, 2005
by Ralph the Boy Ralphie May 14, 2007
To celebrate the birth of a baby with a drink of alcohol or more usually an excuse for a drinking spree.
by VAKI5 May 7, 2005