
A fictional country. Outside of their oil industry they have nothing and are nobody.
History of Azerbaijan:

Mongol nomads until 18th century
Stealing Iranian history in 19th century
First Azerbaijani state based on stolen land in 20th century
by Dark777 May 15, 2023
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Azerbaijan is a country located at the boundary of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.10 It is a part of the Caucasus region, and is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia and Turkey to the west, and Iran to the south. Baku is the capital and largest city.
- Where I can eat most tasty dolma? In Azerbaijan of course!

- Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

- Where is the heart of Azerbaijan? Obviously in Shusha city!
by ArmenianfromKarabakh July 12, 2021
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Oil mongols with no history or achievements.
Azerbaijan might have oil (which has nothing to do with talent), but Armenia has better history, better religion, better scientists, better chess players, better military heroes, better sportsmen.
by I like my name September 3, 2023
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"Hey dude did you see that badass egyptian guy at the train station?"

"He was Azerbaijanian"

"Where the fuck is that nationality from.
by PrinceGogeta12412 September 1, 2015
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Azerbaijan Pub

A pub in Azerbaijan/ sells Azerbaijan alcohol.
Tourist in Azerbaijan : I need beer. Any pubs?
Azerbaijan Tourist Guide: Go to an Azerbaijan pub, then!
by Horse Power December 27, 2016
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A school where you are expected to wear unprovided uniforms and get punished if you don't do so. A school where you are suspended because of sitting and get expelled for fighting.
The European Azerbaijan School suspended 13 students for watching intruding fighting people.
by Secretwomen3169 December 16, 2021
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The school that i wouldn't offer you to go if you ever born in azerbaijan.
fuck that school fuck the teachers
Guy 1 : One of my co-leagues was a student in 159th school in azerbaijan
Guy 2 : I hope he fucking dies
by ralseigaming24 December 31, 2025
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