If you were born on August 29th you are the best, most amazing person in the world who deserves everything, like riches and happiness
by Vscojanesksksksk October 21, 2019
by Blitz-o August 30, 2021
by Kevin173869420 August 25, 2020
August 29th
Judgement Day in the Terminator. Sarah Connor had visions of this day in Terminator 2: Judgement Day but prevented it with the help of Arnold Schwarzenegger
by 'Merica2 November 13, 2019
Go celebrate Michael Jackson ! It's his Birthday...listen to his Music and dance to it ( and for my fellow moonwalkers: just watch every Clip there is of the HIStory Tour you know what im talkin 'bout 😉)
by Tutaita November 3, 2019
by IndieHopper9000 April 15, 2020