Area of Effect. In video games refers to spells/abilities/attacks that work over a certain area instead of being directed at a single target.
-My choice of weapon is a spear for the AoE damage.
-If you use this spell you will cause more AoE damage.
-I was surrounded by enemies, but thanks to the AoE damage of my attacks, I beat them easily.
by solo-dumdum February 7, 2019
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Anime only ending; an special ending to an anime that doesn't match the original manga's ending
- Dude did you watch the Tokyo Ghoul ending?
- No, why?
- Apparently, it's an AoE.
- Ain't no way, AoEs suck
by poxeiss April 21, 2023
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Short way of stating the video game "Age of Empires".
The Ottoman Empire pwns in AoE III.
by ElementNineteen January 7, 2007
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All or Everything.
Dawaun Parker and Phil Beaudreau #AoE
by morethan1chain October 30, 2013
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Anywhere on Earth is the time zone just to the east of the International Date Line, including Baker Island, used to mean the last part of Earth experiencing a certain day. It's 12 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC-12 is also called Yankee Time Zone.
Applications are due by April 20 AoE.
by bovik April 11, 2020
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Area of Effect

In EverQuest 2 this is an attack or spell that upon casting affects the entire area around the caster within a certain radius.
Damnit, I AOE'd and aggroed another mob!
by Jessi L. August 26, 2006
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Anagram for:

Apple of Enlightenment (an object in the video game Earthbound)

Age of Empires (Game series by Microsoft)

Area of Effect (self explanitory)
by Evan September 22, 2003
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