by Teranceandphillip October 2, 2016
1. V. To put someone in an airlock, as on a spacecraft, and open the exterior door, releasing them into space. Preferred method of execution of Laura Roslin, President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.
2. V. Figuratively, to remove someone's capability to respond, as on an Internet forum or game.
2. V. Figuratively, to remove someone's capability to respond, as on an Internet forum or game.
1. President Roslin ordered the Cylon prisoner airlocked, as it had become too dangerous to the Fleet alive.
2. The moderators frequently airlock spammers.
2. The moderators frequently airlock spammers.
by jsredwall October 20, 2006
by Mook_c October 17, 2003
A chamber that links the oxygenated atmosphere of your spaceship with the deathly cold of outer space. Also used to execute people in some cases by opening the inside door, stuffing them inside, closing the inside door, and then opening the outside door. By doing this, the unlucky fellow within the airlock is cast out into outer space to die of suffocation and hypothermia. It is important that the above process is done in the correct order: otherwise, you might accidentally get yourself sucked out of the spaceship along with your victim.
I just ran a few tests on the airlock, we should be good to go.
Oy, laddies! Cyan is a bloody Imposter! Let's chuck 'em out the fecking airlock!
Oy, laddies! Cyan is a bloody Imposter! Let's chuck 'em out the fecking airlock!
by MalumLibrum958 September 26, 2020
To be extremely drunk and find it very hard to remember most of the night the following day.Often results in stubbling or falling on ones head
by M.Hoey February 3, 2005
Sexual penetration with man in frontal penetration of woman and another man in rear penetration of same woman.
by pkjones_hommie April 22, 2003
by Chedda B87 May 1, 2010