Nickname for a student at, or former student of, Texas A&M University, or one of the other associated schools.
Derived from the Ag of Agricultural & Mechanical commonly associated with universities established under the Morrill Act of July 2, 1862.
Derived from the Ag of Agricultural & Mechanical commonly associated with universities established under the Morrill Act of July 2, 1862.
There were 20,229 Texas Aggies who served in World War II. Of these, 14,123 Aggies served as officers, more than any other school, including the combined totals of United States Military Academy and the United States Naval Academy.
by Aggie80 January 20, 2005
A mascot shared by many great agricultural colleges across the country. Notably Utah State University, Texas A & M and New Mexico State University.
These schools each have roots in agricultural science and have therefore adopted the Aggie as their athletic mascot. What an Aggie is varies depending on the school. Texas A & M has a Collie dog named Reveille as it's mascot. Utah State University uses a bull which they call Big Blue. New Mexico State has a cowboy named Pistol Pete.
These schools each have roots in agricultural science and have therefore adopted the Aggie as their athletic mascot. What an Aggie is varies depending on the school. Texas A & M has a Collie dog named Reveille as it's mascot. Utah State University uses a bull which they call Big Blue. New Mexico State has a cowboy named Pistol Pete.
People know that if someone is an Aggie from Utah State, they are likely loud and crazy at basketball games.
An Aggie from Texas A&M probably knows a thing or two about massive bonfires.
An Aggie from Texas A&M probably knows a thing or two about massive bonfires.
by Universal_remonster December 18, 2008
by Fighting Aggie Class of 04 January 4, 2004
crazy, loud, and sometimes obnoxious, an Aggie will be there to laugh at you when you fall. Aggie's are good at sports, and won't spill secrets or spread rumors. An Aggie laughs a lot and is very clutsy.
by that-one-chick-777 March 22, 2015
A superior individual, with a marked aptitude in athletics and academics. Well versed in a number of activities, ranging from drinking and dominating a particular team from austin to excelling in life after college. These individuals are known for beating t.u. on a regular basis
"Dude, how can you tell he's an Aggie?"
"He's driving a Ferrari, has two supermodels, and lives in a 20,000 sq ft house, all while maintaining a friendly attitude"
"He's driving a Ferrari, has two supermodels, and lives in a 20,000 sq ft house, all while maintaining a friendly attitude"
by XRay Cat II November 23, 2007
by Tom Nakedhead October 15, 2017
by Doublek1990 February 24, 2018