
Used on online gaming, this literally means Away From Keyboard. Used to say if somebody is inactive.
I was kicked for being AFK in the game
by T8rt0t October 3, 2018
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Ima be afk kk?
by ihatetheusernamepart January 8, 2021
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afk : away from keyboard , simply asying they might not be able to respond to you .
Sal :bobtheninja is AFK ?

DOM: hes isn`t there , hes away from the keyboard . lets call him instead .
by Bobtheninga < 3 April 23, 2009
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A term used for playing online games with chats. Meaning: away from keyboard.
Person1: away from keyboard
Person2: Just say afk-
by lucas x william November 6, 2020
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An acronym meaning "Ass Fuck Kenny"
"Damn, I really want to go afk right now."
by AgedSaltyLemonCheese July 9, 2019
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Afraid of fried knishes
I wanted to take him to a deli, but like many in his family, he's afk
by Speziak Montgomery July 12, 2005
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1. A fuckin kook. when someone is so stupid that they don't move while playing a FPS. or, they might just be #2.

2. Away from keyboard. self explanitory.
1. 'he isn't moving, what an AFK'

2. 'he isn't moving, i guess hes AFK'
by DespairChild July 6, 2004
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