3 definitions by DespairChild

1. A fuckin kook. when someone is so stupid that they don't move while playing a FPS. or, they might just be #2.

2. Away from keyboard. self explanitory.
1. 'he isn't moving, what an AFK'

2. 'he isn't moving, i guess hes AFK'
by DespairChild July 6, 2004
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The act of performing filatio in return for the opposite member giving cunnalingus, or vise versa
'And she didn't even return the favor? what a bitch!'

'Her BJ was so good, i had to return the favor... even though she tasted like tuna'
by DespairChild July 6, 2004
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Origin: ROBOTussin

AKA: Tussin, DXM, Robotussin

Use: (15-30 mg) cough supressant
(30 + mg) recreational drug
(500-2000 mg) hallucenigen
Shit dude, I took a shitload of robot juice last night... i puked my fuckin brains out, but after that, i swear i was floating about 3 feet off my bed.
by DespairChild July 30, 2004
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