According to Beavis and Butt-Head pornography is the study of porn.
Beavis "what's pornography?"
Butt-Head "uhhh i think it's like the study of porn"
Beavis "heh heh so he's a pornologist."
by thealmightbunghole November 30, 2011
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Pornography can be seen through a magazine or your phone, normal porn is naked people probably having sex, but there are other types of porn. Porn is not illegal per se but there is sick porn, i made up 2 levels of sick porn, mild sick porn which is just gay porn or lesbian porn, and heavy sick porn which is rule 34 shit. Another type of porn is child porn which is illegal, it shows rape ( a grown man banging a girl from age 7-14 ) and that is fucked up. so some porn is illegal and some isnt
by pseudonym ツ October 5, 2020
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Graphic depiction that has no artistic merit and that leads to sexual thought.
Which is basically every commercial I have ever seen...
by Crapper McGee March 28, 2004
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Commonly referred to as porn, this shizzle is the depiction of males and females engaging in sometimes quite explicit sexual encounters. In most cases he man inserts his penis into the woman's vagina and the woman begins to have a fake screaming orgasm. Sex is close to the real thang but it's not:porn is.
Bitch, get off me, the Spice Channel's got a new documentary on lesbians coming on in five minutes--I gotta get my "jack off rag"
by Louie G December 18, 2003
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My right hand has doubled its strength since i deicovered pornography!
by Gizwidget January 26, 2007
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Images of naked humans or naked humans in the act of sexual intercourse. Often used as a means of becoming aroused by lonely humans who are unable to attract a mate. Despite its usefulness to such individuals, the overall majority of internet pornography has degraded into a flaming heap of vile, disgusting images designed to cater to the sick fetishes of various internet subcultures including, but not limited to: furries, pedophiles, amputation fetishists, genital mutilation addicts, etc.
"Pornography" makes up more than 60% of the internet's content.

The obsession of teenage boys across America is "pornography."
by C-can October 19, 2003
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