189 is a group of girls who are known to be peng
Typically love the sesh
Bad bitches, famous on tik tok
Typically love the sesh
Bad bitches, famous on tik tok
by 189 forever October 23, 2019
when someone in basketball misses the basket and air balls a ridiculously easy shot, aka the worst player ever
Damn bro, why you 189!
by Stephen the legend February 12, 2019
The act of fingering one's own butthole.
One to three fingers may enter against your 1-way digestive system. Being merely for pleasure, this number is attributed to a personal experience with euphoric results. The use of a mirror may be used to view the penetration.
One to three fingers may enter against your 1-way digestive system. Being merely for pleasure, this number is attributed to a personal experience with euphoric results. The use of a mirror may be used to view the penetration.
by Fleshy Gropes May 22, 2011
by ianhogie April 11, 2017
The IQ of someone so smart that they are dumb as a rock
Someone who defys logic and reason and believes it
Someone who defys logic and reason and believes it
by Countess21 June 30, 2020
A substance that grows brain cells in the hippocampus and effectively treats depression. It also makes you smarter. The best doses are 40mg to 80mg daily for a few weeks. Benefits last far beyond the final dose taken. It's a cognitive enhancer.
by HawaiianPunch1 April 29, 2020