1) Father Carmine is a Roman-Catholic priest who lives in Philadelphia. He was the priest present at the marriage of Rocky Balboa and Adrian Pennino in Rocky II. He also appeared in Rocky V when Rocky was revisiting his old neighbourhood with Tommy Gunn.
There is a famous scene where Rocky asks him for a special blessing on the night before the big fight.

2) A name for a priest that is sloth like and methodical. One that enjoys constantly over eating and getting sunburnt because he is too lazy to move into the shade.
Man, look at that Father Carmine, he hasn’t moved in three hours.

We just had a had a Father Carmine come in here, ate all the calamari, take it off the menu.
by Bacala e Mortadella May 8, 2018
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Father Ted is the coolest guy I have ever seen
by Bumlord4351 August 15, 2023
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Performing anal sex on your typically apprehensive partner in the back of a Ford Bronco while enjoying a bowl of pho.
Good thing my girlfriend wasnt the one eating that spicy pho during my Fathers Day Special, or my dick would be on fire!
by richravens900 June 19, 2022
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LUKE: have you seen Father Dalton
ZACK: oh yeah that guy, he’s the head of the shit show
by fraud ron November 1, 2021
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A:How’s Father Joseph doing?
B:Father Joseph is doing great
by Kutty Kallan April 1, 2020
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Hey Josh, I fucked your mom last night so from now on you can refer to me as Eskimo father.
by league fan July 20, 2013
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Such a shit school not fun and everyone thinks their hard so many npcs it’s a shit school
Father Bressani not fun

Don’t go there shit school

by Havecak127 September 24, 2023
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