Troll: "Its when two people get into be-"

Aw heck naw that aint what a bed butt is. Thats all wrong Troll

Troll: "Sorry...."

Bed butt: When your dog arises from slumber and its back hair is sticking up. Similarly to your hair in the morning. COMB YOUR HAIR!
*Keiv the dog wakes up, and has bed butt*

Me: "Look at ur bed butt fool, go comb ur behind 🤣"

Keiv: "🥺 *whines* "
by LittleKiddo ✝︎ March 24, 2021
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When a males ass looks like a females fat ass.
Guy 1: “That dude is sus in the butt”.
Guy 2: “Ay yooo, you right tho”
by CaterpillarAss February 26, 2021
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The act of shaping your pelvic area to the pelvic area of another person while facing the same way.
aww yeah it was so cute! we layed in bed and cuddled and we were butt morphing.
by Kelly WCU April 28, 2010
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When someone is getting F***ed in the ass and the man cums. xP
person 1- i has such a horrible night...

person 2- why?

person 1- cause i totally got full of butt fluff!

person 2- aweh man that sux!
by XAgentxCupcakeX May 19, 2009
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The damp butt-shaped imprint left on your sheets after a long sweaty session of sex.
Guess we should've turned on the fan before we got started, cause I just left a gnarly butt puddle on the bed.
by Deadinlivingform April 7, 2011
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A musical instrument commonly known as a toilet but when farting makes a beautiful sound of varying notes
“Damn Wayne you really know how to play the butt-horn don’t you?!”
by Limo-Rob October 25, 2023
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a person better known as:

harry always calls joelle cold butt bc when he indirectly touched her butt from her chair it was cold.
by September 15, 2020
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