REALLY Cold. So cold that even Liz's butt is cold.
Me: Dang, it's cold. How cold is it, Liz?
Liz: It's butt-cold
by adawg November 5, 2003
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The temperature of your butt after sitting down on a cold toilet seat.
Jerome: Why are you taking that blanket with you to the bathroom?
T-Raw: I don't want to get butt-cold!
by lolgamergirl69 October 14, 2012
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when your butt catches a cold, it sneezes and sniffles alot and maybe itches, and leaks and makes alot of mucous.
i caught a nasty butt cold. it may have been from those spicy nachos...
by buttcold December 31, 2013
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Usually, your mom's fingers and feet get cold first and her butt, because it's so damn big, is the last thing to get cold. So if her butt is cold then everthing else is too, which means it can't get much colder.
A: It's butt cold today.

B: Yes, but your butt is smokin' hot.
by pejohnson76 March 16, 2010
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a person better known as:

harry always calls joelle cold butt bc when he indirectly touched her butt from her chair it was cold.
by September 15, 2020
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H teases joelle by calling her cold butt :D
by itchie_ September 16, 2020
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