A word cringy middle schoolers use to incinuate that they like you.
Person1: Think!
person2: I cant be that braindead right!?
by Twosociallyakwardidiots September 1, 2022
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1: u should think about getting that abortion
2: nah bro ur mom
by Aars-aap May 19, 2021
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“Thinking your cool from the past” if a person Says that, It means Your Cool from the past and They are thinking your have the same thing in common.

And they want to be friends with you again Cause They thought how cool you were back then.
“Hey I’ve been thinking your cool and wanting to be friends cause we have talken before and I had a feeling having stuff in common not in a gay way.” (Thinking your cool from the past)
by NookAstly August 25, 2021
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When you let your thoughts wander in a creative manner. usually occurring during boredom or spacing out.
"I just spent the last 30 minutes free fall thinking and now I have a really good idea!"
by Ibby dothog August 23, 2023
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A place to release moist hairy fireballs when you put your snake in the fire.
Katie got a dirty Cpap at the think tank after getting smashed on fireball.
by KTPROC November 1, 2020
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You get tanked(drunk), preferably with others for discourse, and then you think.

Often associated with the ballmer peak.

Origin: James Cook University, Queensland, Wayde Gardiner
The think tank last night was very productive, we finished our programming assignment.
by nexair_fantastica September 27, 2021
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