it`s a norwegian slang for money
brur jeg er stacked med flus
by yo local pedo November 16, 2022
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Dave: I bought beers and pizza
Ben: FLU man.
by Jambake January 31, 2018
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The flu is the hurtful and shity but effective way to get out of going to school
mom:wake up we are going to school
kid:i have the flu and feel like absolute shit help me
mom: you’ll be fine
by JohnnyBlu3 November 26, 2019
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Short for influenza. The flu is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics.
''Hey dude, why didn't you visit me yesterday?''
''I had the flu.''
by The local Argentinian guy November 22, 2021
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A fly that isnt flying or is dead.
Oh dude a fly just landed on me!

Nah bro that's a flu.
by the mustard bottle November 3, 2021
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The polar opposite to Man Flu (where a man has a slight cold but believes he's dying and can't lift a finger). Mam-Flu describes a mother who is probably suffering with the worst possible flu strain you can get but has to, and does, crack on with everyday chores/work/kids.
I've got mam-flu, but I'll still see you at work after doing the laundry, dropping the kids at breakfast club, nipping past the supermarket and getting the car in for a service.
by kennypet July 11, 2018
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The type of person that's emerged during the Corona-virus outbreak that would sell their own granny to the feds just to prove they are sticking to the rules while everyone else is blatantly flouting them!
That Mavis is a right flu-gooder she's just phoned 999 because theres 3 teenagers in the park playing football.
by Melchod April 11, 2020
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