David:“I saw Roman the other day”
Cesar:”You mean the thickest sexiest fucking embodiment of lust that is Roman”
by Baby Huey213 November 30, 2021
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roman is just a little bitch that has mommy issues and hes just obsessed with his ex who doesnt even want him
ew look at roman i heard hes obsessed with his ex
by @626.briee July 26, 2022
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This man is one in a million so he has been told. He is a somewhat tall, curly haired, dark person. But once you get to know him he may open up more. He has gone through a grueling childhood and yet he does his best to smile. He loves his girlfriend from one end of the multiverse to the other and back and will be loyal until his last breath. He has not nor will ever leave you. If you find a Roman that fits this, they probably like cuddles and movies and popcorn. Roman may also play warhammer 40k. Hes nervous when it comes to his physical look and you will almost never see him without a sweater unless you are alone. He is skinny, but not the kind of skinny that looks gross. His hands are scarred and worn and he relentlessly cuts the accidentally doing modeling or using machinery. His dad is an old cunt but roman still loves him and his mom made the mistake of bringing him here. Roman has a multitude of great ideas when it comes to emotional support. If you try to thank him for his help he will simply say that you did most of it yourself. whether this is true or not depends on the situation. He is a person that has knowledge beyond his years. Though he doesnt believe this, its utterly true. Roman's friend group is being depleted due to a bunch of factors. He believe the main reason is that he is a nerd and he is too weird. If you are dating and he says this to you, call him your weirdo and then promptly kiss him. It will not only make his day, but probably his whole week.
Girl : did you see roman in math today? He was so weird
Guy : yea. I think hes pretty dumb
by Manbearpig666666 January 7, 2020
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The kinda guy who works tirelessly with extreme efficiency and accuracy but also finds time for friends family and himself. The man has at least one hobby and likes to be free. He might have a small problem with himself (he wants to change sleep habits). He is kind and inclusive to those who deserve it. He is a natural born leader if he needs to be, but would rather let someone else tell him what to do. He's love sick. He wishes for a loving gf seeing as the last one cheated. has a secret talent for writing and painting and likes kittens and puppies equally. He loves to play games with friends but also likes to go it alone. He is effectively loyal to you as long as you don't absolutely wreck him. He's usually kinda tall, standing at 1.8-2 meters tall. He wants to visit Australia and New Zealand. In his hobbies he enjoys planning and execution of large scale (often expensive) projects. He's a tiddie and ass guy and likes thick or thin, tall or short girls. He's a great hugger and an extraordinary cuddler. He is still pondering if the cia documents on different dimensions is true but he doesn't actually care. He is a seed in the ground waiting to sprout ;) (he's also the heir of his smol families patriarchy)
Matticus: so roman will end up like me eh..?
Timothy: no. Maybe similar but not quite you or his mom.

Matticus: well like me or not, one thing is for certain.
Timothy: whats that?
Matticus: he is going to be more powerful than you or I or even our dad. He truly is the hidden king.
Timothy: do you really think so?

Matticus: yes. He will make an excellent patriarch
by Manbearpig666666 October 22, 2020
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he is the best person ever and make you so happy!!! he has amazing curls and makes your day every day!! and the sweetest smile abs has the pretty eyes
by April 28, 2022
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Roman is the kind a guy who everyone wants to be. He is a fast cross country runner. He is usually tall and lanky. Very rarely does roman actually come from Rome even though whenever they introduce themself the other person always says, "Roman, like the Empire?"
by yaboi4468 August 5, 2020
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