A rotund, simple man who likes the small things in life. Like tea, sunny weather, the local, and gay porn. He also has a deep love of mayonnaise, and commonly uses it as a skin cream. Stephen is famous for his mayonnaise odour and ear massages.
Lad 1: Have you been down to the local recently?
Lad 2: No.
Lad 1: Stephen Rochford was just there the other day! His potatoes have become cannibalistic again!
by Liberal Lady Ann November 6, 2016
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A very skinny human and is bald tiny penis and has a face like a rat
ooo look overy there a rat

no its just Stephen hammond
by peekos May 20, 2018
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The portent winds blew with fury over the brackish waters, an ignis fatuus hovering over the horizon, a symbol of something to come. The gales thundered through the swamps, an electricity in the air. An ominous howl began to sound as shapes took form in the hollow. Darkness bled onto the surface of the scape, as the winds continued to ravage the land. Suddenly, a mysterious chant began and hooded figures appeared, lurking in the shadows, manifestations of some nightmare that could not be escaped from. The chant began to build. The trees were ripped from their roots and sent flying. The waters whipped up into towering waves. The catastrophe increased and increased, and the intensity built and built until it all became too much for the world to bear! With a flash, everything dissapeared, leaving but a smoky crater in the center of what was once a luscious place full of life. A figure emerged. A figure named Stephen Takowsky. MGT was born.
God bless Stephen Takowsky
by warrobotsalt March 17, 2023
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Stephen George is the the type of guy that would say "sunscreen? Pshhhhh".
by Gizmocakes November 23, 2021
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A sexual act where you role play as someone in a wheelchair. You then peg someone from the chair and whilst doing that, you pop a wheelie.
“She Stephen Hawking’d me so good last night
by PseudonymsAreForNerds February 25, 2020
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