Friend #1: Your mustache is kind of cool, but it's kind of gay also.

Friend #2: :K
by djlego February 21, 2011
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(k) when typed into msn creates lips, therefor (k) means kiss
(k)mwahh Luv ya Nat mwahhh (k)
by dfkgh oigh January 24, 2007
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old school designation for kracked software, especially kracked macintosh software
Adobe Photoshop k
Quark XPress k
Filemaker Pro k
by bkdouble October 5, 2006
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Man1: Dude do you want to go to this party on Friday?
Man2: No K, I got plans with my girlfriend.
by cage14 July 13, 2015
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The most annoying response over text. The usual person that gets this text doesn't respond. It is hated by many people when people say "K." or "K?"
Person 1: Hey.
Person 2: Hey what's up?
Person 1: Bored, you?
Person 2: At the beach.
Person 1: K.
by MultiColorz12 July 9, 2011
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1. A short version of "ok" (used mostly online)

2. Slang name for an "AK-47"

3. A letter of the alphabet
1 "let's go to the park, k?

2. "Pull that K out homie"

3. the letter "K"
by AC April 24, 2004
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1.stands for 1000
2.shortend way of saying "AK-47"
1. 1000=1k

2. I need that K up front here!
by Minority July 5, 2006
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