"If I Were The Devil" was a radio broadcast from 1965 by Paul Harvey, who was a radio broadcaster famous for his "The Rest Of The Story" segments.

If I Were The Devil is noted for being almost prophetic to the current condition of the United States several decades later, from its political wars to its surging crime, particularly amongst the youth, as well as the ideologies and its general path towards destruction. Removing God from the schoolhouse, advising against "extremes" in Patriotism, hard work, and moral conduct... it's all happening.

Dislike this if you want, but you can't ignore the truth in his warning speech forever... I don't expect this to get through to many, if any, on the Left, but I can only hope and pray it will.

FULL SPEECH: https : // youtu.be/cg5i7OPRaNg

If I were the devil... if I were the Prince of Darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness, and I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree...

by The Winchester. January 27, 2023
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something Ross on Friends says too much. Rachel said, let's take a break, so Ross boinked Chole, the punk girl from the copy center. He and Rachel immediately made-up, but when she found out about the boinking, she was pissed.

Ross spent the next four years or so saying, "WE WERE ON A BREAK!"
She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong in our relationship. I mean she goes on for five pages about, about how I was unfaithful to her! "Well...WE WERE ON A BREAK!"
by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd April 10, 2007
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phrase used when you reminisce about the "good old days" when life was easy. Even more fun if you make it a song like Edith and Archie Bunker did in the "All in the Family" opening.
Boy the way Glen Miller played
songs that made the hit parade.
Guys like us, we had it made.
Those were the days!
And you knew who you were then.
Girls were girls, and men were men.
Mister, we could use a man Herbert Hoover again.
Didn't need no welfare state.
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the Days!
by Corn Flake January 15, 2007
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Phrase you use to show your melancholy when you and your friends dig up fun stories about things they did in the past
Q: "Do you remember our last year in high school, you know, when you were with Suzy" A: "Yip, those were the days.."
by Casman May 23, 2004
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a phrase you can add to a long, boring story that a friend or relative is telling you, to make the story more exciting or funny for yourself.
Person A: "When we were in Nebraska we visited the museum of agriculture, went to a corn maze, and visited a farm....

Person B: ....And then you were raped."

Person A: "What??, No I wasn't"
by The Flying 69 September 6, 2009
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Often said when thinking back to a time when life was more enjoyable.
"Remember back in 96' when we stayed at that beach house? Those were the days..."
by DMC May 24, 2004
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