A game thats being published but has allready been published.
Skyrim has fishing now!
by Nick Naires March 8, 2018
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Soul sucking video game with epicness so powerful men favor it over having sex with their girl friends. -_-
by rawryrawr November 13, 2011
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I gave Tommy a Skyrim on our flight from London to Singapore.
by Zweifel8 January 10, 2012
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The act of receiving a rim-job on an airplane.
Kaylen Stagner totally gave me a skyrim on the flight to Seatle.
by RickyScholman July 12, 2011
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Taking a crap without placing your ass on the toilet seat. Initially, it was used to describe someone playing the game, Skyrim, however, the much usage has modified it to mean someone who is taking a crap while only squatting over the toilet seat, out of fear that he contracts mononucleosis, or just to not get comfortable enough where the crap taking experience becomes worthwhile; in other words, he or she is in a hurry.
Dude, give me a second, I'm skyrimming right now.

Bro, I am skyrimming to make that appointment at 3:00.
by Mr. Strong123 January 20, 2012
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The sexual act of engaging in a rimjob whilst dressed in LARPing gear. More than likely a homosexual act, given the amount of women who engage in LARPing or the amount of LARPers who actually have girlfriends.
Dude, Lord of the Rings was alright, but at this rate you'll be Skyrimming your new geeky friends come next week
by The Baron! December 5, 2011
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Giving someone anilingus while on a plane.

Reference to the bestselling game by Bethesda : The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Boy 1 - Guess What?

Boy 2 - What?

Boy 1 - I just joined the mile high club! :)

Boy 2 - That's nothing mate, last month me and my girlfriend did some Skyrimming on the flight from Paris to London! :D

Boy 1 - Lucky!
by Skyrimming January 20, 2012
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