When you eat someone’s ass while on the plane
I was skyrimming this girl on my way to Jamaica
by Hippieflippie88 March 16, 2022
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A game made by Bethesda that is more addictive than most drugs.
Joshua: Have you seen Ian lately?
Bruce: Ever since he picked up Skyrim I haven't seen him
by Playing Skyrim RN October 15, 2021
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Getting or giving a rimjob on an airplane.
After the plane took off me and my boyfriend went to the lavatory and gave each other skyrims.
by iBoy2G January 16, 2023
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Eating ass while on an airplane.
My girl loves skyrimming so much we take regular vacations.
by Nyarkus September 23, 2018
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Skyrimming is used to describe the obsessive, unhealthy and quite honestly inhumane amount of hype that leads up to something that turns out to be sub-par or average.

Something that causes an amount of hype that keeps one from eating or sleeping, often rendering them unable to accurately judge the said thing with any amount of logic or reason.
"Looks like Bethtesda is releasing a new fallout game"
"I know, Jordan has been Skyrimming it for about a month now, that boy needs help"
by Innerstellar June 3, 2015
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