A list of things to do in bed before you die.
After watching entirely too much porn, Chris added "sex with 2nd grade teacher" to his fucket list.
by bddhistnudist August 4, 2009
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a list of people who are hated so much that the person who owns the list wants to kill them. usually the list is short but some lists can incorperate THE WHOLE WORLD
#1 my brother
#2 _________(person i hate)
#3 _________(person i hate)
#7,000,000,000 (or some big # like that) the last person on my list:@
by DeMoNz ArE EvErYwHeRe December 3, 2003
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Similar to an flist, a t-list refers to the list of people that someone is following on Twitter. It mostly likely refers to someone's group of mutual Twitter friends, rather than one-way followers.
@twittergal123 says "Awww I love my t-list. Thank you for all the birthday wishes everyone!"
by jannejanne December 6, 2010
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a celebrity who you have to Google, just to see who they are.
Knowing Britney's luck, she'll be g list in a matter of months.
by tinkyfinky November 22, 2007
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a list of people who are disliked to the extent that we wish that they would go live under a bridge.
ugh, what an absolute twat;
put him on the 'bridge-list'.
by a responsible adult April 13, 2009
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A list of individuals you would like to blow a load on.
My god, I was checking Anita out, and I’ve gotta say, with an ass like that, she’s definitely making my Load List.
by Tee Cee Deez February 13, 2019
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