Term used to describe a used condom
Jimmy dared Carissa to swallow the contents of his love tissue
by Darth vagflaps fondletoddler December 9, 2013
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The perplexing conundrums that arise from leaving evidence of a recent masturbation session laying about.
Conrad: Holy crap! We've got to go back to the apartment before Pam wakes up, I forgot I left a bunch of used kleenex by the computer!
Farnsworth: Hey, your tissue issues aren't going to make me late to work, Sgt. Spank-o-tron!
by Mr. Softey February 4, 2009
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An Excellent song written by Anthony Kiedis and performed by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the greatest band ever to grace the Earth. It is also the name of Anthony Kiedis' autobiography. It was published in 2004. It told the story of Kiedis' youth and the success of the band as well as he and his friends struggles with drug and alcohol addiction.
Push me up against the wall
young kentucky girl in a push up bra

--Scar Tissue
by RHCP FOR LIFE July 22, 2008
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break tissue The act of wiping your butt with such force that you break the toilet paper and accidentally swipe your fingers across your anus causing fecal matter to get on your fingers or under your fingernails
Ooh dude, get your hand out of my face you smell like you broke tissue.

I went to scratch my nose and realized I'd broke tissue.
by Derrick Greene August 21, 2007
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Name for multiple consecutive relationships lasting 1 day to 2 months resulting in partners seemingly being "used and thrown away" like tissues.
Girl 1: Can you believe it? Karen broke up with Steve and is now dating Jared! That's like her third boyfriend in 6 months!

Girl 2: What do you know? Just another "Tissue Boyfriend".
by tissuenumberone January 9, 2011
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A soft tissue on a roll engineered primarily for wiping feces off a person's anus. It is also frequently substituted for facial tissue.
<wife> How did your day go?
<hubby> Not good.
<wife> What happened?
<hubby> I took a dump at work before I realized we were out of anal tissue.
<wife> That's terrible. So what did you do?
<hubby> I used my undershirt.
by Mark Shackelford May 18, 2007
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Penile Tissue can be either:

1. Tissues in the shape of a penis.
2. A statement said in shitty conditions.
3. A statement said when amazed and intrigued.
4. A Person has nothing to say.
Zaid: What is up?
Fares: PENILE TISSUE (With a childish voice).
by godog December 23, 2009
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