To Amy a ticket is used in customer service sector, when an agent encounters or gets assigned a ticket that falls outside of his ability to handle either because it's complicated or because he/she does not have sufficient knowledge to handle that ticket so he Amys it (transfers it to Amy). Amy is complaint free, and never returns a ticket back, she is mysterious yet very helpful.
This ticket is very weird, I have never been asked about suck thing, should I Amy the ticket?
by EmItEcApS October 16, 2020
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In the movies when a bad person sacrifices himself to save others it is said that he has purchased his ticket to heaven.

The last minute self sacrifice to protect an innocent from an untimely death with no hesitation or concern for your own well being is to earn a ticket to heaven.
The bad guy took a bullet to save the girl thus buying his ticket to heaven.
by jsd9632 February 13, 2012
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describes something of high monetary value, importance, and/or power depending on the context.
1: I heard you recently landed one of those big ticket jobs at your company.

2: You're lucky I made that big ticket move in the game the other day, we would have lost the match otherwise.
by 0rang3 September 6, 2007
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Pushing ones luck. Pull a fast one.
Causing trouble, sometimes in a mischevious way, sometimes in an agressive way.
Used in North East England.
'By.. what a worky ticket he is!!'
or .. 'He's really working his ticket with me!'
by nicola usher July 6, 2006
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1. Toilet paper: More specifically, the fast-food napkins kept in the glovebox of a vehicle to be used for emergencies in lieu of toilet paper.
today at lunch, christian stocked up on a nice stack of dump tickets for the truck, among other supplies while raiding the fixins bar.
by muffler November 1, 2006
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When someone tells you they will do something, but end up not doing it. Also known as "front row tickets" or "front row boys."
"Did Julie ever come through last night?"
"No, she was sellin tickets"

"You promise you're gonna come with me tomorrow?"
"Yea, for sure."
"Alright, don't be sellin me no tickets."
by Nic1708 October 11, 2007
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1) A Trojan Magnum condom, since the color of the wrapper is gold.
2)Refers to the fact that a man's penis is wider than average; therefore, needing a condom with more room.
"Hey, how did it go last night with your boyfriend?"

"Amazing! He's got the Golden Ticket."
by Ashley aka Bunny October 8, 2006
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