Tired, worn out, exhausted, having a medical issue, how you feel after a fight you beat in. Can be used in sentence if you dont feel good or you are tired for example:
Yo I just got steamed! I feel mad steamed right now.
by jmsmilin September 28, 2020
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Greg: Dinner was great, and then it steamed.

Benny: We were both running for the lavatory, and then it steamed.
by gooseway May 23, 2010
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A program designed by VALVe to make more money out of their games, and convenience gamers by auto updating games, and adding a friends/im system. This makes them more money because they dont have to pay the publisher as much money so instead of getting 15 bucks a copy after all the publishing fees, they get about 40. It was released over one and a half years ago with many bugs, those bugs were fixed, but people still blame steam on their crappy comp
steam is much better, just because ur 4 year old comp and ur 56k connection cant run the game fast, doesn't mean its steam fault. What would u rather do, Wait for 5 hours inline on fileplanet, or directly download content from one of steam 44 content servers.
by Scarface November 30, 2004
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oh MAN, he's steamed
by Nick February 22, 2003
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Verb - meaning to smoke weed or to get completly wasted.
Ronald: Yo Evan, roll up into The Brook so we can steam some dro.

Evan: Ok, but only after I skeet up on yo woman.
by Evan V. February 16, 2005
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A nasty chest injury, more likely than not caused by a flying section of pipe.
Let off some steam, Bennett
by Mark L Lester February 9, 2004
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When someone get really mad.

Guy on cod!
"WTF!! That fucking bullshit "


" Stop Steaming Bro "
by ByAE July 14, 2012
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